Catch up with some pictures!

Well, in case you hadn't noticed I've been a little quiet lately. At least when it comes to blogging. So here it is in three paragraphs.
It was Meg's birthday on Thursday, which resulted in a night out in an incredibly trendy West End restaurant with a tiny tiny lasagne on a huge white plate for dinner. There were two girls in the group who were finding my jokes hilarious, so of course I did what I always did with an audience and a few glasses of wine. My story made them laugh, but it was what one of them said in response to my story that really brought tears to my eyes. It was "I still...I learning...the English?". Wild!
I went to my old job on Friday, and had one of those curiously uplifting days that reminds me what side I'm on. What that means is that I saw three people cry in quick succession (two colleagues, one client) and finally got to fix something I'd felt terrible about. I had to close a client when I left the last job, and was annoyed that I hadn't been allowed out of the office to tell him face to face that have a new social worker. But I finally got the chance to talk to him on Friday, and after introducing him to my replacement shook his hand and wish him the best for the future. I'm starting to realise how important the right ending is, for both client and worker.
The first one of my close friends to get married came round last night. It's what's known as a "semi-arranged marriage", and although I wasn't expecting his engagement it was reassuring to know that I'd have two years to get used to the idea. So I was very surprised to receive an invitation dated next month. Sure enough, the religious ceremony isn't until 2007, and it's only the civil ceremony, which doesn't really count for anything. Except the eyes of the law. Of course, we went for the age old danger combination last night of men, alcohol and fire. At 3am I was just musing on how I was still sober having polished off three bottles of wine when my friend landed on the fire. I decided that was probably a good time to put him out and call him a cab. I'm fairly certain he got home alright.
Oh, and I knocked the "26th letter of the alphabet" key off my computer. Which means this blog now has to be a Letter after Y Free, um, area. Up until that sentence I hadn't even missed it.
That wasn't too tricky was it.