Yule get scared now!
Northern Nurse left me out a book with a note saying
"Saw this and thought of you. Nx"
It's called I'm dreaming of a shite Christmas.
Regular readers of this blog (eg Brother) will know that I have a pretty ambiguous relationship with Christmas, neatly summed up in this picture. The shops have been counting down to it since long before Halloween, and my client ever since his birthday in mid summer. I usually have a simple rule- if my clients like it, I don't. But I'll come out and say it this year- I'm sort of looking forward to it.
For a start, it helps that I've made the best forward planning ever for Christmas. I priced out everyone's present ages ago and worked out a budget for surviving the long dark weeks before January payday. And in the best traditions of my favourite Christmas hero, I have a full ledger of what everyone owes to me. And a blue nightcap.
Christmas shopping was pared down even further this year, and was completed in under 5 minutes when I bought my small nephew the first jingly toy I saw in the early learning centre. The secret is to buy the first thing that catches your eye- you'll come back to it after agonising for half an hour- so why not just save yourself the trouble?
The only possible stumbling block is that I'm staying in a house round the corner, as there's no room at the inn. Oh, and Sister's present is still missing, and it's more than likely I'll be wrapping up an empty box for her and preparing a better explanation then not doing it in time.
But overall, the weather's fine, my family's reasonably sane, I'm not tipping money down the drain, and best of all, there's a new lady in my life. If I can't be happy with that combination I'll always be miserable in December.
So bring on the cold turkey. Have a good one.
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