Like Toy Social Workers...
I first realised this morning would be weird when I didn't jab myself in the gum hard with a toothbrush. I'm not exactly a morning person.
This Monday morning has been a bit too easy. I got up at the instant both my alarms went off, showered for exactly a minute and then had the easiest shave in my life. I even did my eyebrows and got my hair to look flat.
After getting ready I had an unprecedented 15 minutes- yes- 15 minutes to spare, so l managed to make a coffee. A rather smooth tall vanilla latte to go, to be precise, without even scolding myself and waking Brother with my screams. And still left the house 4 minutes early.
I smell a rat. I'm either about to offend Manager or realise I've picked up my laundry hamper instead of my work bag. But for the 20 minutes I might get to enjoy it, it's nice to have some insight into what it would be like to be one of those people. You know the type; goes for jogs, thinks its the best part of the day, eats breakfast.
Maybe it's my commendable enthusiam for my new job. Or maybe it's the fact that I inexplicably woke up a full hour early and lay in bed with the same thought on a loop. This one:
"...Step by step heart to heart, left right left we all fall down, like toy soldiers...Step by step heart to heart, left right left we all fall down, like toy soldiers...Step by step heart to heart, left right left we all..."
That's usually the point I start bleeding. Maybe I've already had my useless hour.
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