And it was all yellow

It's a very different flat now than it was at the start of the sumnmer. And not just because it's so much cleaner and yellower.
Whilst I was alone here, I decided that rather than stare at the walls I might prefer to paint them instead. So I moved into Mog's old room, and spent a fun five evenings making my room an exciting yellow with metallic blue border. It's so much nicer now. On top of that, I cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, front room and had the hallway decorated by our kind landlords. No news on the new kitchen floor though.
Oddly enough, ever since the other two left, so did the mice. Haven't seen one in six weeks. And their new place has bugs.
Oh, and I've got two brand new flatmates, one of whom came all the way from Denmark to be here in Meteor Street.

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